The United States court system can be a confusing concept, with its multi-tiered federal system as well as 50 state systems.
Although given different names, all of the systems have a trial level (most actually have two levels – one with limited jurisdiction and one with specific jurisdiction), an intermediate appellate level, and a court of last resort. Under the terms of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, all bankruptcy cases are federal matters to be heard in the bankruptcy courts established by Article I of the Constitution. These courts are units of the district courts found in each of the country’s 94 federal judicial districts. Two of those districts are found in the state of Kentucky, which is geographically divided into the Eastern District and the Western District.
No matter where you file, the bankruptcy process is a complicated one. Deciding whether to file, which chapter to seek relief under, and how to complete the forms are just a few of the roadblocks to be navigated.
To make the most informed choices for your circumstances, consult the Eastern KY bankruptcy attorneys at Bunch & Brock. Based in Lexington, we have over 35 years of experience advising people throughout Kentucky about how to best address their situation. If you are burdened with debt, you need the calm competence of a skilled legal team in your corner. Contact us to schedule a consultation. Call 859-254-5522 or fill out this online form.
Due to our location, the bankruptcy lawyers at Bunch & Brock focus primarily on bankruptcies in the 67 counties that make up the Eastern District. However, all of our attorneys are admitted to practice in both districts, allowing us the flexibility to help Kentuckians no matter where they live.
The main location of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky is on East Vine Street in Lexington. As the principal division, this site oversees 22 counties, including Fayette, Jessamine, Madison, Nicholas, and Scott. There are also five divisional offices that are not staffed by Bankruptcy Clerk’s Office personnel:
- Ashland — Carl D. Perkins Federal Building & U.S. Courthouse at the corner of Greenup Avenue and 15th Street
- Covington — U.S. Bankruptcy Courtroom on West 5th Street
- Frankfort — Franklin County Courthouse on St. Clair Street (341 meetings and initial confirmation hearings only; all other hearings held in Lexington)
- London — District Courtroom City Building on South Main Street (all hearings held here for this division except for 341 meetings and initial confirmation hearings, which are held in Corbin)
- Pikeville – U.S. District Courthouse on Main Street.
As noted above, not all locations provide the same services. “341 hearings,” also known as the meeting of creditors, are conducted by the trustee, and failure to attend can result in dismissal of your petition.
Thus, it is extremely important that you go to the correct office.
In 2016, the Eastern District of Kentucky received four Chapter 12 filings; eleven Chapter 11 filings; over 2,400 Chapter 13 filings; and 5,416 Chapter 7 filings. The largest number of bankruptcy cases were commenced in Fayette County, followed by Kenton County and Boone County. Regardless of the division’s street address, the mailing address and telephone number for all Eastern District of Kentucky locations are:
US Bankruptcy Court — EDKY
P.O. Box 1111
Lexington, KY 40588-1111
(859) 233-2608
Covering 53 counties, the main office of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Kentucky is located on West Broadway in Louisville. As with the Eastern District, there are unmanned divisional offices at the federal courthouses in Bowling Green (East Main Street), Owensboro (Frederica Street), and Paducah (Broadway Street). Regardless of the division’s street address, the mailing address and telephone number for all Western District of Kentucky locations are:
US Bankruptcy Court — WDKY
601 W Broadway, Ste 450
Louisville, KY 40202-2227
(502) 627-5700
Along with a handful of Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 filings, over 4,700 Chapter 7 bankruptcies and almost 2,600 Chapter 13 bankruptcies were filed in the Western District in 2016. Jefferson County had the most filings that year, followed by Hardin County and Warren County.
We Can Help
Each bankruptcy district has its own local rules, and each bankruptcy case is unique. It’s important to have an assessment of your situation in order to make certain the most beneficial path is followed. For questions regarding bankruptcy eligibility, conversion, dismissal, automatic stays, exemptions, repossession, trustees, discharge, credit counseling, and more, consult the experienced KY Chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyers at Bunch & Brock. We have efficiently and effectively guided many people through the bankruptcy process. Whether you are employed, unemployed, married, divorced, self-employed, employed by another party, retired, or disabled, put our knowledge and skill to work for you to make the best plan for eliminating or repaying your debts. We encourage you to contact our office by calling 859-254-5522 or filling out this online form.
Attorney Matthew Bunch
Matt handles complicated bankruptcies and debt restructuring in Chapters 11 and 13 for both individuals and companies. He has also negotiated with multiple creditors on behalf of his clients to avoid bankruptcy. Matt is the firm’s lead litigator and handles contract disputes, certain personal injury claims and general litigation. [ attorney bio ]